import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms from Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import * from Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CUEP8M1Settings_cfi import * externalLHEProducer = cms.EDProducer("ExternalLHEProducer", args = cms.vstring("/cvmfs/"), nEvents = cms.untracked.uint32(5000), numberOfParameters = cms.uint32(1), outputFile = cms.string('cmsgrid_final.lhe'), scriptName = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/data/') ) #Link to datacards: # baseSLHA = """ # BLOCK MASS # 6 1.730000e+02 # mt 25 1.25e02 # mh01 35 1.00e05 # mh02 36 1.00e05 # ma0 37 1.00e05 # mh 1000001 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msd1, 1*msd2 1000002 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msu1, 1*msu2 1000003 1.00e05 # sl : msd1 1000004 1.00e05 # cl : msu1 1000005 250 # msd3 1000006 1.00e05 # msu3 1000011 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msl1, 1*msl2 1000012 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msn1, 1*msn2 1000013 1.00e05 # mul- : msl1 1000014 1.00e05 # svm : msn1 1000015 1.00e05 # msl3 1000016 1.00e05 # msn3 1000021 1.00e05 # mgo 1000022 100 # mneu1 1000023 230 # mneu2 1000024 1.00e05 # mch1 1000025 1.00e05 # mneu3 1000035 1.00e05 # mneu4 1000037 1.00e05 # mch2 2000001 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msd4, 1*msd5 2000002 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msu4, 1*msu5 2000003 1.00e05 # sr : msd4 2000004 1.00e05 # cr : msu4 2000005 1.00e05 # msd6 2000006 1.00e05 # msu6 2000011 1.00e05 # set of param :1*msl4, 1*msl5 2000013 1.00e05 # mur- : msl4 2000015 1.00e05 # msl6 ## INFORMATION FOR DECAY DECAY 1000001 5.312788e+00 # wsd1 DECAY 1000002 5.477195e+00 # wsu1 DECAY 1000003 5.312788e+00 # wsd2 DECAY 1000004 5.477195e+00 # wsu2 DECAY 1000005 1.000000e+00 # wsd3 1.00000000E+00 2 1000023 5 DECAY 1000006 2.021596e+00 # wsu3 DECAY 1000011 2.136822e-01 # wsl1 DECAY 1000012 1.498816e-01 # wsn1 DECAY 1000013 2.136822e-01 # wsl2 DECAY 1000014 1.498816e-01 # wsn2 DECAY 1000015 1.483273e-01 # wsl3 DECAY 1000016 1.475190e-01 # wsn3 DECAY 1000021 5.506754e+00 # wgo DECAY 1000022 0.000000e+00 # n1 : 0.0 DECAY 1000023 1.000000e-01 # wneu2 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 25 DECAY 1000024 1.704145e-02 # wch1 DECAY 1000025 1.915985e+00 # wneu3 DECAY 1000035 2.585851e+00 # wneu4 DECAY 1000037 2.486895e+00 # wch2 DECAY 2000001 2.858123e-01 # wsd4 DECAY 2000002 1.152973e+00 # wsu4 DECAY 2000003 2.858123e-01 # wsd5 DECAY 2000004 1.152973e+00 # wsu5 DECAY 2000005 8.015663e-01 # wsd6 DECAY 2000006 7.373133e+00 # wsu6 DECAY 2000011 2.161216e-01 # wsl4 DECAY 2000013 2.161216e-01 # wsl5 DECAY 2000015 2.699061e-01 # wsl6 """ generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia8HadronizerFilter", maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(1), pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1), filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0), pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False), comEnergy = cms.double(13000.), PythiaParameters = cms.PSet( pythia8CommonSettingsBlock, pythia8CUEP8M1SettingsBlock, JetMatchingParameters = cms.vstring( 'JetMatching:setMad = off', 'JetMatching:scheme = 1', 'JetMatching:merge = on', 'JetMatching:jetAlgorithm = 2', 'JetMatching:etaJetMax = 5.', 'JetMatching:coneRadius = 1.', 'JetMatching:slowJetPower = 1', 'JetMatching:qCut = 58', #this is the actual merging scale 'JetMatching:nQmatch = 5', #4 corresponds to 4-flavour scheme (no matching of b-quarks), 5 for 5-flavour scheme 'JetMatching:nJetMax = 2', #number of partons in born matrix element for highest multiplicity 'JetMatching:doShowerKt = off', #off for MLM matching, turn on for shower-kT matching '25:m0 = 125.0', 'ResonanceDecayFilter:filter = on', 'ResonanceDecayFilter:mothers = 25', 'ResonanceDecayFilter:daughters = 22,22', ), parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythia8CommonSettings', 'pythia8CUEP8M1Settings', 'JetMatchingParameters' ) ), SLHATableForPythia8 = cms.string(baseSLHA), )